Safeguarding Statement

The Triratna Worthing Buddhist Group is part of the wider Triratna Buddhist Community and supports and subscribes to current UK Safeguarding standards and for adults and children who may be at risk of abuse.


Additionally we support ethical standards relevant to the times – respect, dignity, safety. In line with the Equality Act 2010 we aspire to avoid discrimination.


If you are concerned about yourself or anyone else in the group in relation to any of these issues please contact Vimokshaja directly or via:


If you have an ethical concern in relation to Vimokshaja or another Order member please email Triratna’s Safeguarding team:


Read about Safeguarding in Triratna:


Worthing Group team: Vimokshaja, Dyotana, Georgina, Sean, Nige 


updated 03.2024